Versus: Week Four
/We're back this week with the Fastest Growing Online Photography Blog Game in the United States and this week is going to be a good one. This is between two of my favorite black & white photos, and one of them is one of my best sellers. You know the rules, comment at the bottom on which one you like more. You comment as easily as saying "that one" or you can give a length critique of the photo. Let's go!
I love taking black and white pictures at Great Sand Dunes National Park in southern Colorado, it's an ever-changing landscape and the lines are out of this world. Seriously, it's one of my favorite places to go do photography.
The Dallas Divide near Ridgway, CO is a treat to view in any season but the winter can be very beautiful and very harsh. On this morning, we had planned on being there before sunrise but the cloud deck never lifted so we made due with snowy landscape and hightailed our way to Starvin' Arvin's in Montrose for a delicious breakfast.
Which one is your favorite? Which one is the better image? Bonus point if you can give a super artsy critique that should be read in a British accent!